Saturday 28 February 2015

YoSushi dateđź’–

On Thursday Night Darragh and I went to Yo Sushi after work. It was bliss. I had been dreaming of sushi for weeks. 
When Darragh and I started going out we went for sushi non stop! I actually introduced him to it. It's easily my favourite food. I could happily move to Japan and live off it. 

I would highly recommend Yo Sushi on Claredon street. Been going there years. The foods always great and the staff are so very friendly and helpful! Always a lovely experience:)

Quickie Make Up

Used Kat Von D’s True Love Beethoven Palette.  Colours used : Galeano,Rad Purple and Sinner.

My Photography

Go check out my Facebook Photography pages :D
Sorcha Murphy Photography!


Lush Snow Fairy Review

Lush Snow Fairy Shower Gel

Where do you start when trying to explain Snow Fairy?
Arguably one of the most popular of the Lush products and with good reason! Snow fairy has become one of my instant favourites. It was my first Lush purchase too ;D
Unfortunately only available at Christmas so STOCK up! I know i did….
Snow Fairy is SWEET SWEET SWEET. Imagine candy floss in liquid soapy form with some glitter thrown in for good measure and you’ve got Snow fairy!
Sweets and sugar and glitter….not to mention its pink,its the ultimate girly scent…But a lot of guys LOVE it too. A favourite with most people and a must have.
I cant imagine getting bored of that scent everrrr!!!
Rating 10/10

Dead Silence - Movie Review

Dead Silence (2007) (Director: James Wan) Newly widowed (Ryan Kwanten) returns to his home town of Ravens Fair,to search for answers to his wife’s murder, which may be linked to the ghost of a murdered ventriloquist, Mary Shaw.  Queue creepy nursery rhymes and spooky dolls!

I have to say I didn’t expect much going into this movie, I hadn’t seen trailers or reviews, just popped up on Netflix. I was some what pleasantly surprised. Story was decent enough, script and acting wasn’t terrible! I think it could of had more scares and a bit more gore..but over all not a bad flick. 
One thing that I couldn’t stop thinking was the dummy reminded me of the dummy, Slappy , from Goosebumps…..
There are one or two plot holes, that make no sense…and the protagonist has a few WHAT ARE YOU DOING DON’T GO IN THERE ALONE moments….but whats new…
The best thing about the whole movie in my opinion was …

Donnie Wahlburg ( Marks bro) as the wise cracking detective! Not as cliche as you’d expect.
Ive seen better, i’ve seen worse! Good idea but I think it was lacking in a decent script!

Lush Sweetie Pie Shower Jelly

Sweetie Pie Shower Jelly

My FAVE of the Shower jellies :D

Smells like black Jelly babies :)

Its got Cherry and coconut in it…so straight away i’m in love.

It smells AMAZING. So sweet! You really just wanna eat it….best not! Theres blue and purple glitter running through it,so its extra fun and girly :)

I’ll forever re-buy this jelly! In Love. One of my MUST haves from Lush.

Very moisturizing,leaves an AMAZING smell on your skin.

Ive used it in my hair too… and it made my hair smell FANTASTIC!

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