Sunday 16 August 2015

Bee Hive

Gum Ball

Bubble Bath




My latest project..

Ive been drawing a lot of lady heads lately with fantastical hair. My collection is called ..

Girls with hair like...
As all these girls have hair like things..
Heres the first one I ever sold, Artist.

Dublin Zine Fair Interview

My interview for the Dublin Zine Fair 2015

Wednesday Illustrations

So, Ive always drawn. Ever since i could hold a pencil. It's always been a part of who i am.
I went on after secondary school and did a portfolio course hoping to go onto college and study Fine art or animation. During my course I discovered Photography. Which had a new instant gratification that I loved. Unlike drawing it was a new media I hadn't really explore apart from holiday snaps and pictures of friends. I was hooked. I started looking into Photography courses in college. I was accepted into a course, my first choice actually (not too shabby) I was delighted and for the next few years I slowly felt my love of Photography completely drain out f me. Turns out college isn't all its cracked up to be and mine didn't allow me to be creative enough...I ended up leaving.

About three years later I took up photography again after I realized heyyy I still love it and heyyy i now know a lot of models! For another year I had a lot of shoots and projects and met some lovely people along the way. When I started working in a new company I had to put photography on the back burner, not enough free time for shoots. But I started working with my lovely friend Sarah who is an illustrator. Please go check out her work, it is ridiculously good. I felt inspired to start drawing again,something I hadn't done seriously since my portfolio course in 2006/2007! Lets just take note there, its 2015 now!! So, a little out of practice! But since then Ive been really enjoying drawing all over again, relearning some things i had forgotten and getting into settling on a style all over again. Its funny how you never loose your ability to draw but you gain new styles and influences.

Sarah has also introduced me to the world of selling my drawings, something i never dreamed possible. But so far Ive had amazing feedback about them,which is so amazing! Ive done two fairs now. My first one in Finglas and recently (todays day two of it actually) the Dublin Zine Fair.

Im so excited to see what comes next with these silly little doodle I do.
And to think when i was in school my teachers would give out to me for drawing all the time.
All i can think to say to them is...
Fuck you. You should never stifle a kids creativity.
What I wouldnt give for a time machine.
I think my Ten year school reunion will do nicely though.